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Rotary International Convention 2024

Welcome to our page dedicated to the 2024 Rotary International Convention.

Here you can find some information about Rise Against Hunger Italy and our activities in partnership with Rotary.

Rotary nourishes education

The project “Rotary nourishes education” was realized thanks to a partnership between Rise Agains Hunger Italy and Rotary Zone 14. It’s a stunning first work, in which 10 different Italian Rotary Districts got together to join forces to make a difference. For the year 2022-2023, Italian governors have promoted a high-impact, nationally coordinated action aimed at achieving the ambitious goal of realizing 570,000 meals (57,000 per District). This guarantees a meal per day for 2,850 children for one school year in Zimbabwe. The distribution will, in fact, take place exclusively at school, so as to provide a nutritious meal and encourage school attendance, both for boys and girls. At the same time, this project provided a unique and impactful volunteering experience, that involved Rotarians of all ages in a fun and inclusive experience.

Rise Against Hunger Italy

Rise Against Hunger Italy is active all across Europe.
Watch the video to learn more about our activities and how to get involved.

Dowload our 2023 Annual Report to find out more about our current projects and our goals for the future.

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