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Sostieni Rise Against Hunger

Una donazione è il modo più immediato, ma quello che forse non sai è che ci sono tanti altri gesti che puoi fare insieme a noi, a cominciare dalla partecipazione ai nostri eventi: scopri tutti i modi in cui puoi sostenere i nostri programmi solidali.


Sei un individuo?

With a donation you can support our projects and emergency interventions in response to major disasters, but you can also support us through your purchases. And if you want to get involved, take part in the events!

Scopri cosa puoi fare

Sei un'azienda?

The Rise Against Hunger Italia packaging events represent, for companies and their employees, a moment of sharing of high ethical value, capable of strengthening motivation and commitment to achieving objectives through teamwork.

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Dona il tuo 5x1000

It’s a very simple gesture, and it’s in your hands! Donate your 5X1000 to Rise Against Hunger Italia, it is a very important choice, but a signature is enough.

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